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File List  |  1995-10-02  |  18KB  |  241 lines

  1. ACE103.ZIP     143271  03-22-95  Annuity Ace v1.03 Now project your savings
  2.                                | as never before! Professional
  3.                                | illustrations for deferred, immediate and
  4.                                | split annuities Savings, IRA, 401K, etc).
  5.                                | Flexible with variable deposits, withdraw
  6.                                | als, interest rates, and compound methods.
  7.                                | Tax analysis COLA, Loads, Inflation
  8.                                | Factoring and more Detail is monthly
  9.                                | annual, calendar or fiscal, whole dollars
  10.                                | or cents, cumulative or non-cumulative.
  11. ANYPIA.ZIP     446353  04-19-95  The Social Security Benefit Estimate
  12.                                | Program for Personal Co 1.0 is a Social
  13.                                | Security benefit estimating program. It
  14.                                | calculates Social Security primary
  15.                                | insurance amounts fo retired, survivor, or
  16.                                | disability benefits, given the
  17.                                | characteristics of a particular worker
  18.                                | such as birth date, past earnings, and
  19.                                | type of benefit. It also calculates the
  20.                                | maximum family benefit, actuarial
  21. BANK26.ZIP     222457  04-15-95  Bank Investor (v 2.6) home accounting
  22.                                | manager. See README.1ST for full
  23.                                | description
  24. BROKER2.ZIP    804081  08-08-95  SmartBroker, is a Stock and Options
  25.                                | analysis program that does all the work
  26.                                | for you everything. SMARTBROKER tracks
  27.                                | 4,000 pre-loaded stocks, downloads quotes
  28.                                | from Dow Jones quickly and efficiently to
  29.                                | save on-line cost, analyzes the data
  30.                                | qualitatively and quantitatively, and
  31.                                | reports stock opportunities You will need
  32.                                | a DOW JONES NEWS RETRIEVAL FLAT RATE
  33.                                | ACCOUNT...only $29.95 month 
  34. CGZ40.ZIP     1377283  06-07-95  Capital Gainz v4.0 ASP Investment portfolio
  35.                                | manager. Ideal for dollar-cost averaging.
  36.                                | Record purchases, sales dividends, capital
  37.                                | gains, splits. Multiple portfolios.
  38.                                | Calculate performance and total return.
  39.                                | Print reports for one or more portfolios
  40.                                | securities, over range of dates Generate
  41.                                | tax forms. Reinvest dividends Execute
  42.                                | sales using FIFO, LIFO, max gain, max loss,
  43.                                | specific ID, avg cost 
  44. CHECKPRO.ZIP   278739  04-18-95  CheckPro 8.2 is a personal checkbook system
  45.                                | with pull-down menus, and mouse support
  46.                                | You can enter checks and transactions
  47.                                | deposits, and other expenses by date and
  48.                                | time. CheckPr will produce reports of
  49.                                | expenses by code and time period. (Kenneth
  50.                                | W. Illig)
  51. CLIP315.ZIP    153745  06-01-95  MONEYCLIP v3.15 Personal Budget Manager
  52.                                | This is NOT another checkbook register
  53.                                | program. Moneyclip helps you control your
  54.                                | personal budget by projecting your income
  55.                                | and expenses on a month to month basis You
  56.                                | set up your budget using a very user
  57.                                | friendly interface and the program keeps
  58.                                | you informed as to how you are doing Use
  59.                                | on any DOS computer with at least 640K. A
  60.                                | very unique and useful program 
  61. CM14.ZIP        87885  04-23-95  Checkmate v1.4. Nice checkbook program 
  62. CRDRG10.ZIP     55764  04-22-95  A Credit repair guide for home-buyers
  63.                                | Fantastic guide that will show you how to
  64.                                | repair and rebuild your credit,learn where
  65.                                | to get the best deals on a visa or
  66.                                | mastercard purchase a home with the least
  67.                                | amount of money setup a portfolio for your
  68.                                | golden years learn all about the
  69.                                | Resolution Trust Corporation,a company
  70.                                | desighned & setup to sell off all the
  71.                                | real-estate the government acquired from
  72. EZKIT20A.ZIP   156025  03-26-95  EZ-Credit Repair Kit v1.00 Learn How to
  73.                                | Repair Your Credit Rating 
  74. EZTAX95.ZIP    340406  04-18-95  Easy Income Tax 1995 is a 1995 income tax
  75.                                | program. It includes an IRS approved 1040
  76.                                | California 540, and schedules A, B, C, D
  77.                                | E, SE, EIC, 2441, 8606 and 2106
  78. FUND27.ZIP     371589  06-15-95  Fund Investor v2.7. Portfolio manager that
  79.                                | can d l quotes from CompuServe and
  80.                                | interact with Fidelity and Vanguard
  81.                                | computers 
  82. IRA_V10.ZIP     97611  05-22-95  This very simple to use program is about to
  83.                                | introduce you to what many Financial
  84.                                | Wizards have termed, "The Eighth Wonder of
  85.                                | the World". NO, the wonder is not this
  86.                                | software, but rather the financial
  87.                                | principle known as Compound Interest". It
  88.                                | is this wonder, which, at say a 20% per
  89.                                | year Interest rate, allows you to turn an
  90.                                | $ 80,000 dollar investment into a fortune
  91.                                | of $ 31,000,000 !!!! That is correct
  92. LWMD33.ZIP     188495  06-01-95  LIFETIME WEALTH MANAGEMENT v3.3 A
  93.                                | comprehensive personal financial program
  94.                                | Provides calculations, projections, graphs
  95.                                | for Saving, Investing, Retirement, Net
  96.                                | Worth Mortgages, Loans, Stocks and Mutual
  97.                                | Funds Portfolio management system records,
  98.                                | tracks and graphs your investment
  99.                                | performance Everyone can use this program
  100.                                | covering all stages of your financial life.
  101.                                | Excellent On Line Help. For DOS. Rated 
  102. MFTC15A.ZIP    553454  05-15-95  MFTC: Mutual Fund Tax Calculator, v1.5a
  103.                                | RCCO Research. For Windows 3.1+. MFTC
  104.                                | provides a facility for determining the
  105.                                | tax cost of redeemed shares (full or
  106.                                | partial) in one or more mutual fund
  107.                                | accounts. For IRS Form 1040 Schedule D
  108.                                | filers. Computes divs CG distribs, sales,
  109.                                | purchases on an average cost basis. New in
  110.                                | v1.5: Report Writer
  111. MFTRA36D.ZIP   396636  04-01-95  The Mutual Fund Tracker, Version 3.6d,
  112.                                | works using technical analysis and a
  113.                                | Mutual Fund Composite Average, in
  114.                                | conjunction with other key indices, to
  115.                                | determine when to get into and out of
  116.                                | mutual funds. You can define and look at
  117.                                | different "what if" results based on your
  118.                                | criteria. Features easy to understand
  119.                                | documentation; graphs; reports; select
  120.                                | TREND or BUY, SELL, and HOLD signals;
  121. MLRCHK32.ZIP   185183  03-28-95  MY LITTLE REALM'S CHECKING v3.2 ASP makes
  122.                                | your check balancing a cinch. It's the way
  123.                                | you've always taken care of your checking
  124.                                | account, but all the hard parts are handled
  125.                                | by your computer. Quickeys make data entry
  126.                                | fast and easy. You can track tax deductions
  127.                                | business expenses, household expenses, more
  128.                                | Runs from floppy or hard disk. Requires IBM
  129.                                | compatible; 640K RAM. $20 $5 (s h
  130. MLRCRG32.ZIP   158391  03-28-95  My Little Realm's Charging v3.2 ASP Just
  131.                                | what the doctor ordered if you need to watch
  132.                                | your credit card expenditures! Charging is
  133.                                | a great way to keep tabs on what you have
  134.                                | outstanding on each card as well as on all of
  135.                                | your cards. You can track tax deductions
  136.                                | home and business expenses, more. Runs from
  137.                                | floppy or hard disk. Requires IBM
  138.                                | compatible; 640K RAM. $20 $5 (s h
  139. MONEYMGR.ZIP   434018  05-21-95  The MONEY MANAGER (MONEYMGR) Rel 12-94
  140.                                | Managing your money affairs with 7
  141.                                | exciting programs. Calculations include:
  142.                                | INVESTMENT PROPERTY: Buy a second house?
  143.                                | INFLATION, Interest Rates: The effect on
  144.                                | your money. Projected SAVINGS, Profit
  145.                                | Margins, LOAN-MORTGAGE rates amortization.
  146.                                | To LEASE or to buy. RETIREMENT income: How
  147.                                | far it goes. TAX & TARIFFS configurations.
  148.                                | DOS 5.0 WINDOWS. (Progr. for lower DOS
  149. MRT203.ZIP     225759  03-22-95  The Mortgage Analyzer v2.03 contains
  150.                                | options for amortization schedules, loan
  151.                                | qualification, refinancing, mortgage accel
  152.                                | eration, side by side mortgage comparisons
  153.                                | Buy vs. Rent, Lease vs. Sell, and mortgage
  154.                                | related calculators. Tax Analysis, Daily
  155.                                | Interest, Points, etc. Save and retrieve
  156.                                | multiple clients. Fixed, Stepped, ARM
  157.                                | Calculates Mortgage Insurance, FHA MIP, VA
  158.                                | Funding Fees. Caps & Margins for ARMs.
  159. MTGEM2_5.ZIP   361693  06-13-95  v2.5) Mortgage Modeler multiple document
  160.                                | interface mortgage analysis package.
  161.                                | Calculates differing loan payment ranges
  162.                                | and accompanying amortization tables
  163.                                | Allows comparison of differing loan
  164.                                | scenarios to find the best available
  165.                                | choice. Solve for unknown payment interest
  166.                                | rate and payment number. Program supports
  167.                                | numerous user defined defaults for
  168.                                | categories. Product also ships with a
  169. NEEDS2.ZIP     191685  05-23-95  NEEDS2.ZIP v2.1 ASP A Motivational
  170.                                | Inspirational Turorial which is seeking to
  171.                                | motivate more people towards financial
  172.                                | freedom. This Interactive Shareware is a
  173.                                | DOS Program for IBM & Compatibles and is
  174.                                | an easy to-use Tutorial which runs better
  175.                                | on the Hard Drive. Mouse is supported but
  176.                                | there are automated commands which only
  177.                                | need one key stroke to work. Registered
  178.                                | version is only US$11.95 
  179. PCB.ZIP        478650  06-19-95  Patermaster's Checkbook Balancer 2.0 helps
  180.                                | you reconcile your checking account. (John
  181.                                | J. Patermaster) 
  182. RECON.ZIP      290435  06-08-95  Reconciliator 2.31 allows you to prepare
  183.                                | and print monthly bank reconciliations.
  184.                                | (Cycloid Software) (Reg.Fee: $35) 
  185. SLVIT43.ZIP    423543  06-12-95  SolveIT! 4.3s ASP [DOS WIN] 32 easy-to-use
  186.                                | financial calculators, among them: Future
  187.                                | Value, Loan, Amortization, Present Value
  188.                                | Time-to-Withdrawal, Accelerated Payments
  189.                                | Budget, Net Worth, IRR, NPV many, many
  190.                                | more Just fill-in-the-blanks and press
  191.                                | [F9] to solve. Detail on-line help & 100
  192.                                | plus page manual. Flexible, pick different
  193.                                | frequencies adjust rates & cash flows.
  194.                                | Shareware $69.95 Pine Grove Software.
  195. SOCSEC94.ZIP   101373  04-08-95  Calculator to aid in deciding when to start
  196.                                | Social Security benefit payments, ie early
  197.                                | normal, or delayed retirement age. Includes
  198.                                | effects of interest, possible COLA
  199.                                | variations, earned income, and taxability of
  200.                                | Social Security income
  201. TRACUT26.ZIP   535439  04-01-95  The Tracker Utilities The Wall Street and
  202.                                | Mutual Fund Tracker companion programs.
  203.                                | The Graph Tracker, featured in this
  204.                                | package, has a point and shoot menu system
  205.                                | that will run the programs and return you
  206.                                | to a Master Menu Command Center. You can
  207.                                | view and sort graph pictures saved by the
  208.                                | programs allowing you to review years and
  209.                                | years of graphed data any time you want.
  210.                                | Other Tracker Utility programs are
  211. VARIN59F.ZIP   259522  03-15-95  VARIABLE INVESTMENT ANALYST V5.9f. ASP
  212.                                | author Investment Portfolio Manager. MS-
  213.                                | DOS Calculates profit, capital gain, total
  214.                                | return, internal rate of return (IRR buy
  215.                                | sell prices. 12 types of charts Import
  216.                                | export data. Especially useful for
  217.                                | investments with multiple cash flows, such
  218.                                | as mutual funds, 401k plans, annuities,
  219.                                | and partnerships. No hard drive required
  220.                                | Pull-down menus, dialog boxes, mouse
  221. VTID26.ZIP     277106  04-01-95  VALUE TREND INDICATOR v2.6 Successful
  222.                                | Investors program with databases. Compare
  223.                                | and determine the Value of company share
  224.                                | prices and recognize Growth Stocks and
  225.                                | Mutual Funds in advance of the Market.
  226.                                | Record, track and graph all popular Stock
  227.                                | Market Indices such as the DJIA.
  228.                                | Calculations, projections and graphs for
  229.                                | Saving, Investing, Retirement Excellent On
  230.                                | Line Help. See Review in The Wall Journal
  231. WALST71C.ZIP   336047  04-01-95  The Wall Street Tracker, Version 7.1c,
  232.                                | works using technical analysis and market
  233.                                | momentum to determine when to buy or sell
  234.                                | stocks. It analyzes key indices and also
  235.                                | compares three moving averages, against
  236.                                | each other, and the current price. You can
  237.                                | define the moving averages and compare
  238.                                | "what if" results based on your investment
  239.                                | objective. Features auto data update via
  240.                                | many online services; great documentation;